Diamonds with a difference
In 2018, The Federal Trade Commission in the USA decreed that Laboratory Grown Diamonds should rightfully be classified as 100% diamond. They share all the essential chemical, physical and optical properties as mined diamonds.
Let us share how a Diamond is 'made'.
What are Laboratory Grown Diamonds?
Laboratory Grown Diamonds are 100% diamond. The only difference to mined diamonds is that they have been created in a laboratory rather than produced by the earth’s geological processes.
What are the Benefits?
A conscious choice...
There many benefits to be gained when purchasing a Laboratory Grown Diamond, not least that in a head-to-head comparison, a Laboratory Grown Diamond costs, on average, 30% less.
While every bit as special and sparkly as a mined diamond, Laboratory Grown Diamonds are better value and allow one to purchase a bigger or better-quality diamond of the same price as a mined diamond.
A Laboratory Grown Diamond is often of a higher quality than a mined stone, since diamond growing technology permits the growth of colourless Type IIa diamonds.
What's more, laboratory grown diamonds are lighter on the environment and on your pocket.
sustainable impact
Better for the environment
While we respect the efforts by our counterparts in the mined diamond industry, many of the human and environmental impacts associated with mining diamonds are significantly lessened.
Identical in every way
What is the difference between mined and Laboratory Grown Diamonds?
The only difference is their point of origin. Laboratory Grown Diamonds are identical to mined diamonds - chemically, physically, and optically. They share all the sparkle, fire and hardness of mined diamonds.
Can you spot the difference?
Is there any visible distinction between Laboratory Grown and mined Diamonds?
Even with a magnifying loupe, a gemmologist cannot differentiate between Laboratory Grown and a mined diamond.
All the fire & sparkle
Under the microscope
Only with the help of highly specialised testing equipment, can one tell the difference between mined and Laboratory Grown Diamonds.
Fully accountable
How do I know if my diamond is Laboratory Grown or mined?
For consumer protection, Chelsea Rocks only sells certified Laboratory Grown Diamonds which are graded by the International Gemmological Institute in America. The side of the diamond is inscribed with the report number and the words “lab grown”.
A closer inspection
What is the molecular make-up of diamond?
From a technical perspective, diamonds are formed when carbon atoms crystallise into cubic structures with tetrahedral bonds, making it the hardest substance on earth.
Conscience Choice
The modern difference
While industrial diamonds have been around since the 1950s, it is only in recent years that they are of the highest gem quality – indistinguishable from mined diamonds. Both mined and Laboratory Grown Diamonds have identical carbon structures.